New Bresdin

manufacturer muse
colour white coloured
texture smooth rough
surface delicate tough
staining soaks into paper floats on surface

Loved it.

Slow to dry.
Takes forever to dry.
But I guess it's needed for it's beautiful spreading effect.

It hates erasers.
Pencil light and carefully, use kneadable erasers only when you're must, eraser once at the very end.
...and you still get bald mountain shines here and there...
Don't even think about masking tape/fluid and sorts.

3 months later...,
I went and bought a pack of this (even though I still have more than 100 sheets of papers in shelf)

Yes, this was one of the problematic ones among the tryouts,
but it was the favourite.

I'll learn to handle this (ง 'ω')ง

(updated 2024.02.11)
Thought kneadable eraser and featherly pencil stroke made friends.
But nope.
The paper just won't stop making whiskers... (ノД`)・