Black or Sepia or Brown or Grey

In search for the favourite millipen colour...

  line colour
Pigma Black
Pigma Sepia
+ Pigma Brown
Copic Sepia
+ Sarasa Orange
Copic Warm Grey

notes to self:

  • Flowers very hard (´・ω・`)
    Buying how-to books do not make you better.
  • Sarasa grey is similar to Copic's cool grey.
  • Grey example's hair was:
    1 strong-staining yellow undercoat
    2 border with zero-staining black
    3 gentle stroke on 2 to alibi that hair is black
  • I thought it would be too strong for watercolours, but wrong, black actually worked pretty well.
    Yes, it's strong, but that strength covered my lazy colouring like,
    "B-But this picture has so much power in just lines...
     these untouched whites must have some astronautical calculations behind them..."
    I should try mixing black and grey for clearer contrast some distant future.

(・ω・`) sorry